Embrace timeless elegance with our Lavender Checkered Saree Collection, a perfect fusion of tradition and modern style. This distinguished lavender saree, detailed with broad pink and purple checkered patterns, radiates grace and sophistication. Paired effortlessly with a bold, short-sleeved orange blouse, it promises to turn heads at any event. Complement your ensemble with the included intricate earrings and a statement bracelet that accentuates your style. The neatly tied hair and a joyful smile complete this breathtaking look. Elevate your wardrobe today—purchase your elegant saree with stylish accessories and bask in compliments that follow you!
- Unleash your style and personality with our vibrant sarees.
- Celebrate heritage effortlessly with our traditional saree designs.
- Look stunning with our sophisticated and fashionable saree collection.
- Easily match and accessorize with our versatile saree options.
Here are the specifications
Fabric | Pure Cotton |
Length and Width | 6.15 Meters, 1.19 meters |
Blouse Piece | 1 meter in Brown |
Weave style | Handwoven |
Description | East Star presents this airy and lightweight Handlooms saree for those special occasions. This natural fabric settles around you as if they are part of your own skin. This Color Combination and woven for those who have a classy taste. |
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![Lavender Pink Handloom Silk Saree JS4169](
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