My wishlist on Nexio

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Comments (10)

  1. Chandima Mendis

    How to do the payment

    1. Niyas

      Thanks to interest with eshandlooms Products. You can make the payment Credit Or Visa/Master Cards & Through Direct Bank Transfer Option. More Details Please call 0778834786 Thank you

  2. Dumindika Gayathri

    I made a order for two sarees.But i culdnt pay online.So i selected pay to derect.But i culdnt note down account numbers.can you please tell me the bank account details

    1. Niyas

      Yes Please check your inbox. we have already send you the mail with account details. if anything have to know more call 0778834786

  3. K.S.Rohitha

    I need wholesale prices for my newly open shop. Send me the address and phone number to contact you. 0759034282 .

    1. Niyas

      Please call on 0778834786 for more details. Thank you

  4. Vijitha

    Can I pay for this saree after the delivery?

    1. Niyas

      You can Buy online or direct Bank Transfer Option. More Info Call 0778834786

  5. Nirosha

    I want to return and get another saree on this amount…pls help me

  6. Wathsala lakshani weerasekara

    Nice shalwars there..I want to buy to buy it.

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